Thursday, July 11, 2013

First night in a big girl bed

I know a lot of people transition their children out of their cribs for various reasons and at various stages. EM had just turned three and I was kind of tired of her being in her crib because we had everything to put together her big her bed so I just wanted to move her over. She had never tried to climb out of the crib (although she climbed into it often) and she slept just fine -- I really just wanted her to be in a big girl bed.

I took the initial and moved everything around in her bedroom (creating a massive mess!) and was able to set up the box springs and mattress just on the floor. The tricky part came trying to get the crib out of the bedroom. It was too wide for the doors so I had to have DC take it apart so we could move it out.

EM has slept like a champ in her big girl bed and we haven't had any problems. In fact, she will often just lay in bed awake in the morning just waiting for us to come get her. The funny thing is she doesn't get out of the bed -- at all. I say that now, but she really doesn't. There have been mornings where I hear her crying and I go in her room and she is holding herself because she has to go potty so bad. I want to just tell her to go open the door, but I figure she will understand that she can get out of the bed soon enough -- I don't want to speed up the process. I thought for sure when she figured out how to open doors a couple of weeks ago life as we knew it was going to change, but for now she still just stays in her bed like a good girl. I love her to death!

This is seriously one of my favorite layouts I have ever done. I love the sketch, I love the papers, I love the photos -- I just love how it all came together. I am definitely proud of it!

I used the left side of this Kiwi Lane sketch and then just changed it up slightly to make it my own.

The templates that I used were: 
Scallops mini 1A, 2A and 3A
Rings 3

The others were just strips that I cut. The photos were printed on a 5x7 and I cut them in half. 

The paper is the Freestyle line from Teresa Collins. It worked out perfectly for this layout and I have a ton of it still left so I'm sure you'll see it more in the future!

The two gold candies on the embellishment and from Pebbles in my Pocket and the large brads are from American Crafts.

The small alphas are from Making Memories and the larger alphas are from American Crafts. 

Seriously -- one of my favorite layouts ever!!!! Thanks for stopping  by :)

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