This is a view of Shinob Kibe from Foremaster Ridge.
And this is a view of Shinob Kibe from the soccer park that is nearby.
Some information on the hike that is either from my own experience or compiled for various sites:
Some history about the formation: According to the Washington County Historical Society, Shinob Kibe was named for a Paiute deity was was known as a protector of the tribes. Shinob means "Great Spirit" and Kibe means "Mountain." Shinob Kibe was a sacred place the Paiute Indians and they would use it as a refuge where they would go to get away from their enemies, specifically the Navajos who were known to capture Paiute women and children to use them for slaves.
In the 1930s the Civil Aviation Authority made a huge concrete arrow on the southern edge of the top. It is no longer used, but a pretty cool historical marker.
Length: from the trailhead to the summit it's about .75 mile
Hiking time: I was able to do it in about an hour or so.
Difficulty: Going up got my heart rate going some, but nothing too strenuous. Going down I was a little more nervous because at times I couldn't exactly see the trail and there was a lot of loose rock.
Where to find the trailhead: I guess you use to be able to go up on the other side, but now it is private property so this is the only way to climb it. In Washington City you turn south on 300 East like you are going out to the Fields. Then you are going to make a left on Indian Springs Drive and then another left on Red River Road. It will curve until it becomes Apache Drive. From there you are going to make a left on Pocahontas and then a right on Paiute Drive. Paiute will end and there is a little white gate that I have read is sometimes open. I just walked around the gate and then just a little bit further on your right is a large rock marking the start of the trail.
My overall impressions: I really enjoyed this hike and I will definitely be doing it again in the future. It really wasn't that difficult and the payoff. One thing I could have done without all of the grasshoppers that were attacking me, but I just kept thinking that I was invading their home and they weren't really hurting me -- just more of an annoyance.
I did read that there was a log at the top that you could sign, and I found the log box, but I couldn't open it and I didn't see anything else.
Photos from the hike:
A view looking out towards the Fields.
Kind of looking back toward Hurricane.
The Fields. I really love this photo!
Looking out over the mesa toward Washington City.
Proof that it was really me up there taking these photos!
Looking toward Washington City and St. George.
Do you see the trail? It's there -- I promise!
Looking up at the top from the bottom.
And to prove how good the hike can be for you -- I went and weighed in afterwards and had a pretty darn good week! :)